Ever been stuck in a rut?
You know... having this empty miserable feeling from the depths of your soul... that seems like nothing is really going right?
Or maybe you don't believe you have a soul to begin with... cuz you're an atheist or something, right?
I'm sorry friend... you DO have a soul. Just because you refuse to acknowledge its existence doesn't mean it isn't there.
The fact you got this emptiness deep within you...
Is testament to the fact that there is something lacking in your life...
That there is a void.
A void that ONLY JESUS CHRIST can fill.
So that's why you better repent of your sins and turn to Jesus Christ ASAP!!!
Oh wait...
I forgot you're not just gonna believe this right away cuz of so many fake "Christians" you've seen. So many hypocrites professing the name of Jesus but not living the life. Singing praises to Jesus on a Saturday or Sunday... then the rest of the week is party time and living like a non-believer.
Well friend, those aren't Christians. They aren't "saved" like what they say they are.
In fact, they're no different than anyone else who is unsaved. They're no different than the Muslim or Jew or Atheist or Agnostic or Buddhist or Spiritual non-religious people...
Because their god is not Jesus. Their god is THEMSELVES. If you live your life for hedonistic pleasures... if you live a life that is all about serving SELF... you are not "saved". And living a life like that... will torment you.
As the Bible says, the wicked will be turned INTO Hell... (Psalm 9:17)
You create your own hell... you reap what you sow... (Gal 6:7)
Why do you think all these rich people are some of the most cranky acting people you ever see? All their Mercedes Benz... or Audi... or BMW... and million dollar houses... and yachts... and their drugs on the side... and their many women who they fornicate with...
Cannot seem to make them happy and fulfilled inside.
Because by the life they live, they have forgotten God... and all this living for themselves has just ruined their soul.
Friend, I used to just live for myself. I used to indulge in pleasures of the flesh. Because I used to make pretty good money... and I used it on video games, alcohol, and prostitutes.
And still got that emptiness inside when I lived such a lifestyle.
Now... I'm living for Jesus...
Never been happier in my life!
Friend, the clue here is SELF-DENIAL... breaking every chain that grounds you to this 3-dimensional realm...
This "matrix"... which some of you may believe to be a type of hell... and you keep getting stuck here with every reincarnation cycle because you're somehow not yet enlightened... and you keep getting sent back here to keep learning and learning and trying and trying... therefore it is an endless loop... some type of "eternity" in "Hell"...
Sure sure... if you wanna believe that and get stuck in this 3-D realm that has NOTHING TO OFFER so be it.
You wanna be in this world, FINE. Your loss. Not mine.
If you're happy in this world that you have to pay for just to live in it... and has nothing but corrupt governments, and war, and wicked people that dwell in it, its all up to you. Your loss. Not mine.
YOU are the one missing out on Heaven, friend. Not me.
Your loss. Not mine.
I don't care about recruiting members into my little church... in fact, this blog is a completely one man operation that is fully funded by my own hard-earned money. All the online ads you've seen that led you to this blog... are all paid for by my own hard-earned money. I don't even ask for donations because that will put a stumbling block before me and may tempt me to corruption... and before I know it, I'll be like one of these fake Christians on TV who just want your money to buy nice planes and mansions and other worldly crap that the Bible speaks against!!! The Bible says to STORE UP TREASURE IN HEAVEN!!! (Matthew 6:20)
So there you have it. I'm practicing what I preach.
Instead of putting my money towards stupid worldly things like video games, alcohol, and prostitutes... I'm putting my money towards preaching the gospel.
I actually put my money where my mouth is.
Where you put your money is where your god is.
If you put your money on worldly things, that is your god. Your god is not Jesus but yourself... and the prince of this world... (John 12:31) (Eph 2:2) (2 Cor 4:4)
Therefore, if you serve this world, your god is Satan.
Even a Satanist will tell you that Satanism is just self-worship. At least the low level ignorant ones who aren't yet into sacrificing children and animals or cutting themselves to get Satanic occultic powers...
They tell you they're really atheists and just calling themselves "Satanist" because it is the archetype of rebellion... rebellion to a tyrannical evil god as they so perceive... and they tell you all about the hypocritical "Christians" that arent really saved because of how they live their life...
These "Christians" are of the WHORE OF BABYLON (The Roman Catholic Church) or of the HARLOT DAUGHTERS (Protestants, Calvinism, all other denominations) of the WHORE... (Rev 17:3-5)
Yeah... God is so evil that he's taken the karma of your sins upon His shoulders on that cross... so you can possibly inherit eternal life...
Your occult books will tell you to sacrifice an animal to take away your karma or something...
Partial truth... because an animal isn't pure enough to be sacrificed and to take away your sins. Animals have been corrupted by the negative energy that the sin of Adam and Eve has created (Romans 5:12) (1 Cor 15:21). Because if that isn't the case, why does the Bible say that the wolf will lay with the lamb? (Isaiah 11:6) A wolf is a carnivorous predatory animal... how is it possible for the wolf to lay with a lamb without eating it?!?
Because this world will be purified... when Jesus arrives. The world will return to that state if the negative energy of this earth gets purified. And for that to happen, we humans must repent and forsake our sins.
The gospel of the kingdom must be proclaimed to all nations... (Matthew 24:14) before Jesus will come.
Proclaimed not just in word but in deed.
Forget about all these fake hypocrite pimps who call themselves "Christian" on TV...
In fact... forget about the man writing this blog. I'm a sinner who deserves Hell if not for Jesus.
Focus on the REAL gospel. Focus on JESUS.
Repent of your sins... (Acts 3:19)
Deny self... (Luke 9:23)
Forsake the things of the world... (1 John 2:15)
Ask Him to come into your life... with a broken and contrite spirit... (Psalm 51:17)
And meditate on GOD. Don't just be clearing your mind and emptying it. (Joshua 1:8) (Psalm 1:2)
That is the path to spiritual enlightenment.
May God keep you and bless you.
I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish.~Luke 13:3~
Friday, July 10, 2015
Saturday, May 30, 2015
Technically... you deserve HELL...
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Sunday, May 24, 2015
The Bible says so!!!
(John 3:16)
“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.
(Jeremiah 29:11)
For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.
(1 John 4:8-12)
Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love.
In this the love of God was made manifest among us, that God sent his only Son into the world, so that we might live through him. In this is love, not that we have loved God but that he loved us and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins. Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. No one has ever seen God; if we love one another, God abides in us and his love is perfected in us.
(Romans 5:8)
But God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
(John 15:12)
“This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you.
But then again... you hear these verses all the time in most Christian churches today in this politically correct world who are oh-so-worried about offending people so they preach a half gospel.
They would either not talk about Hell at all or gloss over it... or tell you that only really really psycho bad bad evil people go there... and be like "don't worry you'd never go there cuz you're a good person"...
You can go in there and you're gonna see super-nice guys and gals who are ready to love bomb you and tell you all day about how God loves you as if God is like a care bear with rainbows shooting out of his chest.
But what they won't tell you though...
Is how you have to do YOUR part...
Because if you love God, you will keep His commandments (John 14:15) (John 15:10) (1 John 5:3) (2 John 1:6)
You can't get to heaven without doing anything!!!
You must repent of your sins... (Acts 3:19) (Luke 3:8-9) (Romans 2:5) (Luke 13:3)
You must deny yourself... pick up your cross... and follow Jesus... (Luke 9:23) (Matthew 16:24) (Mark 8:34)
That is how to get to heaven, friends...
Because if you do not keep God's commandments and you are unrepentant in your sins...
Jesus will say to you "I never knew you... depart from me..." (Matthew 7:21-23)
and you will be cast into the outer darkness... where there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth... (Matthew 22:13)
You will be going to Hell, friend...
If you continue in your wicked ways and refuse to turn from sin.
Not because God is so mean like many an atheist has told me...
Its because you put yourself there.
By the way you live your life you are determining where you will be spending eternity.
Its works like this...
Lets say you love this man or woman... and he or she is constantly rejecting your advances and has made it clear that he or she is not interested...
After you have tried it all to get their attention...
After you have shed tears of sorrow... and feel so bad that this man or woman doesn't seem to care about you at all and he or she is just constantly ignoring you no matter what you do...
Even if you buy her expensive gifts and shower her with all the attention and be constantly "yes ma'am" to her... she still rejects you!!!
Even if you try to make yourself look as beautiful as you possibly can around him and try your hardest to please him with your cooking or your perfume or offering sexual favors and be constantly "Yes sir"... he still rejects you!!!
What will you do then sir / madam?
If you're a sane reasonable person... you would just let this man or woman go... and be with someone else...
Same thing with God.
God is no psychopath who would chain you down and force you into His kingdom.
He will keep calling you...
But will you answer his call?
Its like He's texting you and messaging you on facebook and phoning you telling you how much He loves you...
But since you keep ignoring His calls, texts, and private messages...
He would have to let you go...
In great sorrow...
(2 Peter 3:9)
The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.
(Eze 33:11)
Say unto them, As I live, saith the Lord GOD, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked; but that the wicked turn from his way and live: turn ye, turn ye from your evil ways; for why will ye die, O house of Israel?
So the choice is yours friend...
Will you keep on rejecting God and choosing the Devil?
The devil would come to you like this dashing handsome man... or this really beautiful seductive woman...
But in the end, the devil will break your heart. The devil feed off your torment... like a psycho who would chain you in the basement and repeatedly torture you and get off on it...
God offers you Eternal Life and everlasting joy with Him in heaven...
The Devil offers you nothing but pain and suffering and torment...
Now choose!
The Bible says so!!!
(John 3:16)
“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.
(Jeremiah 29:11)
For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.
(1 John 4:8-12)
Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love.
In this the love of God was made manifest among us, that God sent his only Son into the world, so that we might live through him. In this is love, not that we have loved God but that he loved us and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins. Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. No one has ever seen God; if we love one another, God abides in us and his love is perfected in us.
(Romans 5:8)
But God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
(John 15:12)
“This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you.
But then again... you hear these verses all the time in most Christian churches today in this politically correct world who are oh-so-worried about offending people so they preach a half gospel.
They would either not talk about Hell at all or gloss over it... or tell you that only really really psycho bad bad evil people go there... and be like "don't worry you'd never go there cuz you're a good person"...
You can go in there and you're gonna see super-nice guys and gals who are ready to love bomb you and tell you all day about how God loves you as if God is like a care bear with rainbows shooting out of his chest.
But what they won't tell you though...
Is how you have to do YOUR part...
Because if you love God, you will keep His commandments (John 14:15) (John 15:10) (1 John 5:3) (2 John 1:6)
You can't get to heaven without doing anything!!!
You must repent of your sins... (Acts 3:19) (Luke 3:8-9) (Romans 2:5) (Luke 13:3)
You must deny yourself... pick up your cross... and follow Jesus... (Luke 9:23) (Matthew 16:24) (Mark 8:34)
That is how to get to heaven, friends...
Because if you do not keep God's commandments and you are unrepentant in your sins...
Jesus will say to you "I never knew you... depart from me..." (Matthew 7:21-23)
and you will be cast into the outer darkness... where there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth... (Matthew 22:13)
You will be going to Hell, friend...
If you continue in your wicked ways and refuse to turn from sin.
Not because God is so mean like many an atheist has told me...
Its because you put yourself there.
By the way you live your life you are determining where you will be spending eternity.
Its works like this...
Lets say you love this man or woman... and he or she is constantly rejecting your advances and has made it clear that he or she is not interested...
After you have tried it all to get their attention...
After you have shed tears of sorrow... and feel so bad that this man or woman doesn't seem to care about you at all and he or she is just constantly ignoring you no matter what you do...
Even if you buy her expensive gifts and shower her with all the attention and be constantly "yes ma'am" to her... she still rejects you!!!
Even if you try to make yourself look as beautiful as you possibly can around him and try your hardest to please him with your cooking or your perfume or offering sexual favors and be constantly "Yes sir"... he still rejects you!!!
What will you do then sir / madam?
If you're a sane reasonable person... you would just let this man or woman go... and be with someone else...
Same thing with God.
God is no psychopath who would chain you down and force you into His kingdom.
He will keep calling you...
But will you answer his call?
Its like He's texting you and messaging you on facebook and phoning you telling you how much He loves you...
But since you keep ignoring His calls, texts, and private messages...
He would have to let you go...
In great sorrow...
(2 Peter 3:9)
The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.
(Eze 33:11)
Say unto them, As I live, saith the Lord GOD, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked; but that the wicked turn from his way and live: turn ye, turn ye from your evil ways; for why will ye die, O house of Israel?
So the choice is yours friend...
Will you keep on rejecting God and choosing the Devil?
The devil would come to you like this dashing handsome man... or this really beautiful seductive woman...
But in the end, the devil will break your heart. The devil feed off your torment... like a psycho who would chain you in the basement and repeatedly torture you and get off on it...
God offers you Eternal Life and everlasting joy with Him in heaven...
The Devil offers you nothing but pain and suffering and torment...
Now choose!
Thursday, May 21, 2015
Do you have a wicked heart?
Do you love sexual perversion?
You're probably here cuz you're looking for the most hardcore graphic stuff on the internet.
Well if you are...
I mean bro / sis... if you get right with Jesus, your sins will be forgiven and He will give you a new heart!!! (Ezekiel 36:26)
A new heart that loves righteousness and hates sin and wickedness! (Psalm 97:10) (Proverbs 8:13) (Romans 12:9)
If you get right with Jesus now and forsake your sin, you will inherit the kingdom of God!!!
You will be in heaven together with Jesus!!! (John 3:16)
Who is LOVE!!! (1 John 4:8)
Who loves you more than any human or animal on this earth can possibly love you!!!
Jesus will give you spiritual fulfillment!
He will fill any void in your life you are trying to fill with drugs, pornography, idolatry (video games, anime, sports, actors and actresses, pop stars, rockstars, gangsta rappers, etc...), and all other forms of wickedness!!!
Repent now, friend!!!
Get right with God!!!
He loves you!!!
Forget about all those hypocritical "Christians" you have seen. They will not inherit the kingdom of God. (Matthew 7:21)
Just because you call yourself a "Christian" doesn't mean you are SAVED!!!
Forget all these hypocritical churches run by PIMP pastors!!!
Get right with God, friend!!!
Because if you ignore this message...
If you just decide to either get angry at me or laugh and scoff at me...
It would be at the cost of your soul...
For what will in profit you even if you gain the whole world but lose your soul to the demonic realm?!? (Mark 8:36) (Matthew 16:26) (Luke 9:25)
You will reap what you sow if you refuse to repent of your sins and turn to Jesus Christ! (Galatians 6:7)
You will find yourself in HELL together with the Devil and his angels! (Matthew 25:41)
These beings are very negative and dark...
And they DO NOT LOVE YOU at all.
In fact, they HATE YOU!
Because you are made in the image and likeness of God... (Genesis 1:27) and because they hate God so much that they wanna destroy Him... but cannot... they will destroy YOU.
They are gonna torture you in HELL for all eternity and you will be nothing but their FOOD!!!
Your soul will end up as a mere battery or energy source with which they feed off...
They will feed off your torment, friend.
Do you want that?
You wanna be with Satan and his fallen angels and demons?!?
Go ahead!
Continue in your sin... whatever it may be...
Continue in your wickedness...
Abort more babies...
Watch more porno...
Continue to be a homosexual...
Continue to be a video game addict...
Continue to be a drug user...
Continue to be a thief...
Continue to be a liar...
Continue to be a potty mouth...
Continue to be an overall negative hateful person...
Continue to do whatever wickedness you keep on doing!!!
Now your blood is off my hands if you continue to persist in your wicked ways! (Eze 3:18)
When you draw your dying breath...
And find yourself headed to a place of eternal torment...
Just remember my words, friend...
You may view my words as "hateful" or "condemning" or "judgemental" or what have you...
but in fact, I LOVE YOU, friend...
I LOVE YOU enough to warn you of the consequences of your wicked ways...
I LOVE YOU because I got the Holy Spirit of God within me that is MOVING ME and GIVING ME SUCH URGENCY to warn you!!!
and I PRAY for you that GOD WILL BLESS YOU and pour out HIS SPIRIT upon you that you may repent of your wicked ways...
I PRAY that one day we meet in heaven.
Look friend...
I want what's best for your eternal soul...
So please...
I can't stress this enough!!!
Before it's too late...
Cuz you never know if you're gonna die tomorrow or 5 mins from now or 10 or 20 years from now... Only God knows when your time is up on this earth!
Your physical body is gonna die one day... GUARANTEED. Have you ever thought about that?!?
Have you ever thought where are you gonna spend eternity?!?
Please think about your ETERNAL retirement, friend...
Thank you for reading and may God bless you!
You're probably here cuz you're looking for the most hardcore graphic stuff on the internet.
Well if you are...
I mean bro / sis... if you get right with Jesus, your sins will be forgiven and He will give you a new heart!!! (Ezekiel 36:26)
A new heart that loves righteousness and hates sin and wickedness! (Psalm 97:10) (Proverbs 8:13) (Romans 12:9)
If you get right with Jesus now and forsake your sin, you will inherit the kingdom of God!!!
You will be in heaven together with Jesus!!! (John 3:16)
Who is LOVE!!! (1 John 4:8)
Who loves you more than any human or animal on this earth can possibly love you!!!
Jesus will give you spiritual fulfillment!
He will fill any void in your life you are trying to fill with drugs, pornography, idolatry (video games, anime, sports, actors and actresses, pop stars, rockstars, gangsta rappers, etc...), and all other forms of wickedness!!!
Repent now, friend!!!
Get right with God!!!
He loves you!!!
Forget about all those hypocritical "Christians" you have seen. They will not inherit the kingdom of God. (Matthew 7:21)
Just because you call yourself a "Christian" doesn't mean you are SAVED!!!
Forget all these hypocritical churches run by PIMP pastors!!!
Get right with God, friend!!!
Because if you ignore this message...
If you just decide to either get angry at me or laugh and scoff at me...
It would be at the cost of your soul...
For what will in profit you even if you gain the whole world but lose your soul to the demonic realm?!? (Mark 8:36) (Matthew 16:26) (Luke 9:25)
You will reap what you sow if you refuse to repent of your sins and turn to Jesus Christ! (Galatians 6:7)
You will find yourself in HELL together with the Devil and his angels! (Matthew 25:41)
These beings are very negative and dark...
And they DO NOT LOVE YOU at all.
In fact, they HATE YOU!
Because you are made in the image and likeness of God... (Genesis 1:27) and because they hate God so much that they wanna destroy Him... but cannot... they will destroy YOU.
They are gonna torture you in HELL for all eternity and you will be nothing but their FOOD!!!
Your soul will end up as a mere battery or energy source with which they feed off...
They will feed off your torment, friend.
Do you want that?
You wanna be with Satan and his fallen angels and demons?!?
Go ahead!
Continue in your sin... whatever it may be...
Continue in your wickedness...
Abort more babies...
Watch more porno...
Continue to be a homosexual...
Continue to be a video game addict...
Continue to be a drug user...
Continue to be a thief...
Continue to be a liar...
Continue to be a potty mouth...
Continue to be an overall negative hateful person...
Continue to do whatever wickedness you keep on doing!!!
Now your blood is off my hands if you continue to persist in your wicked ways! (Eze 3:18)
When you draw your dying breath...
And find yourself headed to a place of eternal torment...
Just remember my words, friend...
You may view my words as "hateful" or "condemning" or "judgemental" or what have you...
but in fact, I LOVE YOU, friend...
I LOVE YOU enough to warn you of the consequences of your wicked ways...
I LOVE YOU because I got the Holy Spirit of God within me that is MOVING ME and GIVING ME SUCH URGENCY to warn you!!!
and I PRAY for you that GOD WILL BLESS YOU and pour out HIS SPIRIT upon you that you may repent of your wicked ways...
I PRAY that one day we meet in heaven.
Look friend...
I want what's best for your eternal soul...
So please...
I can't stress this enough!!!
Before it's too late...
Cuz you never know if you're gonna die tomorrow or 5 mins from now or 10 or 20 years from now... Only God knows when your time is up on this earth!
Your physical body is gonna die one day... GUARANTEED. Have you ever thought about that?!?
Have you ever thought where are you gonna spend eternity?!?
Please think about your ETERNAL retirement, friend...
Thank you for reading and may God bless you!
Sunday, May 17, 2015
God used a cat to help me understand HIS heart
One day when I was at a prayer meeting at a friend's house... God used a cat to help me understand his heart.
You see... my friend has 2 cats. And I'm just so in love with them.
I just love petting them and stroking them and making silly noises... meowing and purring at them... as I try to communicate to them.
Even though I have cat allergies.
It doesn't stop me from petting them.
Because I love cats.
I love cats because it reminds me of the days when I was a child...
I came from an abusive home...
And also, the kids in school bullied me.
And it was the cats who came to me to comfort me everytime I cried outside the house in the dark... feeling alone and desperate.
The cats would meow and purr... and show me LOVE. After my parents beat me up or after I got bullied by the other kids...
This is why I have a soft spot for cats.
So... during an intense prayer session when I got so filled with the fire of the Holy Ghost and I ended up weeping face down to the floor... because of the sheer intensity of the spiritual force / chi / chakra / energy of God... that is on such a high level spiritual frequency... of love...
my friend's cats came to me... with affectionate meows and purrs...
Then I started to pet them.
And then the word of the Lord came unto me and asked me...
"Why do you love these cats even though you're allergic to them?"
"Lord, because I am reminded of how cats showed me love and comfort when I was a child in an abusive home... I love them so much, Lord..."
"Now son... how do YOU think I feel when 7 billion people choose to forsake me and cling to their idols? How do you think I have felt when YOU would still doubt me from time to time?"
And then I couldn't say anything... I ended up just tearing up some more and saying sorry to God for all my sins... as they all flashed in my head...
All the times I was a videogame addict...
All the times I was a porno watcher and whore monger...
And most especially... the time when I flipped God the finger and cussed Him out and screamed "YOU DON'T EXIST, GOD!!! IF YOU EXIST, WHY ARE YOU ALLOWING ME TO BE TORMENTED BY MY PARENTS AND THE OTHER KIDS?!? I DON'T DESERVE THAT!!!"
And I wept...
And I wept...
some more...
and then God told me... "You love to pet and hug cats even though you're allergic to them. You love to pet and hug cats even though they cause you pain... How do you think I felt on that cross? How do you think I feel everyday when every human past and present... forsakes me and chooses to sin and makes their bodies a temple of the demonic realm? You love cats so much... but what about the one who created them? Who do you think commanded those cats to comfort you?"
And the realization came unto me...
That my love for the cats... is NOT EVEN A DROP IN THE BUCKET... of the love of God for humanity.
Because humans have caused God pain through all this time...
With all the hate and violence...
With all the sexual perversions...
With all their self-righteous man-made religions and ideologies...
God is sad for you, friend.
He is sad everytime He sees you sin...
Everytime you choose to watch porno and indulge in your sexual perversions...
Everytime you choose to watch violent secular movies filled with ideologies of devils...
Everytime you choose to play videogames... or any other idolatry Satan has to offer?
Everytime you choose to hate others and be unforgiving...
God is sad for you, friend.
And now you know He is sad...
Will you continue to make Him sad by continuing in your wicked ways?
I mean come on... really bro / sis?
You gonna keep making sad... the one who died on that cross for you?!?
You STILL gonna keep worshipping the devil either directly or indirectly through your sins?!?
You STILL gonna choose to make your body a temple of Satan?
Or will you be a temple of the Holy Spirit...
and allow God to heal you...
with his Holy fire... (Hebrews 12:29) (Deuteronomy 4:24)
At the end of the day...
The choice is YOURS.
The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.
(2 Peter 3:9)
For I have no pleasure in the death of him that dieth, saith the Lord GOD: wherefore turn yourselves, and live ye.
(Ezekiel 18:32)
Have I any pleasure at all that the wicked should die? saith the Lord GOD: and not that he should return from his ways, and live?
(Ezekiel 18:23)
This is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.
(1 Timothy 2:3-4)
You see... my friend has 2 cats. And I'm just so in love with them.
I just love petting them and stroking them and making silly noises... meowing and purring at them... as I try to communicate to them.
Even though I have cat allergies.
It doesn't stop me from petting them.
Because I love cats.
I love cats because it reminds me of the days when I was a child...
I came from an abusive home...
And also, the kids in school bullied me.
And it was the cats who came to me to comfort me everytime I cried outside the house in the dark... feeling alone and desperate.
The cats would meow and purr... and show me LOVE. After my parents beat me up or after I got bullied by the other kids...
This is why I have a soft spot for cats.
So... during an intense prayer session when I got so filled with the fire of the Holy Ghost and I ended up weeping face down to the floor... because of the sheer intensity of the spiritual force / chi / chakra / energy of God... that is on such a high level spiritual frequency... of love...
my friend's cats came to me... with affectionate meows and purrs...
Then I started to pet them.
And then the word of the Lord came unto me and asked me...
"Why do you love these cats even though you're allergic to them?"
"Lord, because I am reminded of how cats showed me love and comfort when I was a child in an abusive home... I love them so much, Lord..."
"Now son... how do YOU think I feel when 7 billion people choose to forsake me and cling to their idols? How do you think I have felt when YOU would still doubt me from time to time?"
And then I couldn't say anything... I ended up just tearing up some more and saying sorry to God for all my sins... as they all flashed in my head...
All the times I was a videogame addict...
All the times I was a porno watcher and whore monger...
And most especially... the time when I flipped God the finger and cussed Him out and screamed "YOU DON'T EXIST, GOD!!! IF YOU EXIST, WHY ARE YOU ALLOWING ME TO BE TORMENTED BY MY PARENTS AND THE OTHER KIDS?!? I DON'T DESERVE THAT!!!"
And I wept...
And I wept...
some more...
and then God told me... "You love to pet and hug cats even though you're allergic to them. You love to pet and hug cats even though they cause you pain... How do you think I felt on that cross? How do you think I feel everyday when every human past and present... forsakes me and chooses to sin and makes their bodies a temple of the demonic realm? You love cats so much... but what about the one who created them? Who do you think commanded those cats to comfort you?"
And the realization came unto me...
That my love for the cats... is NOT EVEN A DROP IN THE BUCKET... of the love of God for humanity.
Because humans have caused God pain through all this time...
With all the hate and violence...
With all the sexual perversions...
With all their self-righteous man-made religions and ideologies...
God is sad for you, friend.
He is sad everytime He sees you sin...
Everytime you choose to watch porno and indulge in your sexual perversions...
Everytime you choose to watch violent secular movies filled with ideologies of devils...
Everytime you choose to play videogames... or any other idolatry Satan has to offer?
Everytime you choose to hate others and be unforgiving...
God is sad for you, friend.
And now you know He is sad...
Will you continue to make Him sad by continuing in your wicked ways?
I mean come on... really bro / sis?
You gonna keep making sad... the one who died on that cross for you?!?
You STILL gonna keep worshipping the devil either directly or indirectly through your sins?!?
You STILL gonna choose to make your body a temple of Satan?
Or will you be a temple of the Holy Spirit...
and allow God to heal you...
with his Holy fire... (Hebrews 12:29) (Deuteronomy 4:24)
At the end of the day...
The choice is YOURS.
The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.
(2 Peter 3:9)
For I have no pleasure in the death of him that dieth, saith the Lord GOD: wherefore turn yourselves, and live ye.
(Ezekiel 18:32)
Have I any pleasure at all that the wicked should die? saith the Lord GOD: and not that he should return from his ways, and live?
(Ezekiel 18:23)
This is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.
(1 Timothy 2:3-4)
Saturday, May 16, 2015
Ask yourself...
What is the meaning of your life?
What is your legacy?
Is life just... all about working some job... be it being a janitor or fastfood worker... or perhaps being a doctor or a lawyer or a system analyst... or anything in between...
You could be making anywhere from minimum wage to a six or 7 figure income...
But after you're done with school or work... where do you give your time, money and affections?
Is it sports? pornography? video games? drugs? alcohol? pursuing your vanity trying to look "hot" and act "cool" at the same time?
Wherever you spend your time, money, and affections...
that is your GOD.
You could call yourself whatever label you want...
You could even think you are "saved" and you already call yourself a Christian...
But at the end of your life...
When you suddenly find yourself...
Staring into eternity...
And being dragged into...
a very ugly place of torment...
You wonder why...
What have you done... to deserve such a thing...
It is because you are just going to be with the "god" whom you served while you were living on this earth...
which is a DEMON... And devils are behind all these idols... And because you worshipped them throughout your entire life, you are now their temple...
They would be binding into your soul... taking possession of every chakra... as they would start to torment you and feed off the negative energy your suffering generates...
And that is HELL my friend...
And it is eternal... Since at the end of the day you are energy... energy is matter... and matter cannot be created or destroyed as stated in the Law of Conservation of Mass.
And by then it would be too late...
As you're filled with regret... as you're weeping and gnashing your teeth...
and screaming "NOOOO THIS CANNOT BEEE!!!"
This is why the Bible commands against IDOLATRY...
(Exodus 20:3-6)
3 Thou shalt have no other gods before me.
4 Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.
5 Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me;
6 And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments.
(1 John 5:21)
21 Little children, keep yourselves from idols. Amen.
(Colossians 3:5)
5 Mortify therefore your members which are upon the earth; fornication, uncleanness, inordinate affection, evil concupiscence, and covetousness, which is idolatry:
(Psalm 16:4)
4 Their sorrows shall be multiplied that hasten after another god: their drink offerings of blood will I not offer, nor take up their names into my lips.
(Leviticus 19:4)
4 Turn ye not unto idols, nor make to yourselves molten gods: I am the Lord your God.
(1 Corinthians 10:14)
14 Wherefore, my dearly beloved, flee from idolatry.
God didn't command against idolatry because he's got such a big ego and he wants you to constantly worship Him as every atheist thinks God is...
Its because He cares about your spiritual well-being!!!
Friend, I used to be in IDOLATRY...
I used to be a VIDEO GAME ADDICT...
Used to spend countless hours playing Starcraft, Command and Conquer, Counter-strike, and League of Legends.
I would even call in sick at work just so I can play those games...
I played from 6 am till 10 pm... taking a break only to go to the bathroom and eat.
Because I had so much practice, I was a "pro"... I was such a "1337 PWN3R3R"... that I often got accused of using map hacks or aimbots...
And it got soooo bad one day that I blew up on my wife and cussed her out all because she wanted some time and all I was doing was playing videogames...
And overall I just had this miserable, cranky demeanor to me.
This void in my life that I was trying to fill with video games...
If you're a video game addict, ever had those days when... even though you won a majority of the games you played... and got to play an entire day...
You STILL feel miserable and unfulfilled...
As you crash in your bed and go to sleep...
Video games are just an example...
But no matter what the IDOL is in your life... same thing.
I have a friend who used to love partying, sleeping around with women, doing drugs and playing hockey and sports...
And he described the same things...
The feeling of life unfulfilled and in total misery even after he got to do those things and had lots of money to spend on those things...
Now he's a pastor and evangelist... and spends his extra time, money, and affections serving God.
And he's never been happier and more fulfilled in life. Even after he lost friends and his wife all because of serving God.
Its funny how people would hate a true man of God more than a wicked man...
Ever wonder why the Jews wanted Pilate to release Barrabas? (Matthew 27:17-23)
The world hates Jesus and everyone who has a considerable percentage of His Holy Spirit dwelling within them...
Because Jesus said that the world has hated Him first before it hated you... (John 15:18)
Look friend...
I'm not one of these PIMP PREACHERS on TV who wanna build a big ministry and make a ton of money lying to you and telling you all day how God loves you no matter what as I constantly reaffirm your sinful life and preach a prosperity gospel to you...
I'm here to tell you RIGHT NOW that you will lose friends and family all because of JESUS... Your enemies will be of your own household... (Matthew 10:36)
The road is narrow, friend... (Matthew 7:14)
but at the end of the road...
is the Kingdom of God.
and it is the most spiritually rewarding thing...
to be in the presence of God.
Who IS Love. (1 John 4:8)
God loves you more than any human on this earth can ever love you.
Because He went to the cross for you, friend.
So choose...
Will you choose to repent of your sins and follow Jesus?
Or will you continue in your wicked ways and worship your idols and end up in Hell?
The choice is yours.
What is the meaning of your life?
What is your legacy?
Is life just... all about working some job... be it being a janitor or fastfood worker... or perhaps being a doctor or a lawyer or a system analyst... or anything in between...
You could be making anywhere from minimum wage to a six or 7 figure income...
But after you're done with school or work... where do you give your time, money and affections?
Is it sports? pornography? video games? drugs? alcohol? pursuing your vanity trying to look "hot" and act "cool" at the same time?
Wherever you spend your time, money, and affections...
that is your GOD.
You could call yourself whatever label you want...
You could even think you are "saved" and you already call yourself a Christian...
But at the end of your life...
When you suddenly find yourself...
Staring into eternity...
And being dragged into...
a very ugly place of torment...
You wonder why...
What have you done... to deserve such a thing...
It is because you are just going to be with the "god" whom you served while you were living on this earth...
which is a DEMON... And devils are behind all these idols... And because you worshipped them throughout your entire life, you are now their temple...
They would be binding into your soul... taking possession of every chakra... as they would start to torment you and feed off the negative energy your suffering generates...
And that is HELL my friend...
And it is eternal... Since at the end of the day you are energy... energy is matter... and matter cannot be created or destroyed as stated in the Law of Conservation of Mass.
And by then it would be too late...
As you're filled with regret... as you're weeping and gnashing your teeth...
and screaming "NOOOO THIS CANNOT BEEE!!!"
This is why the Bible commands against IDOLATRY...
(Exodus 20:3-6)
3 Thou shalt have no other gods before me.
4 Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.
5 Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me;
6 And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments.
(1 John 5:21)
21 Little children, keep yourselves from idols. Amen.
(Colossians 3:5)
5 Mortify therefore your members which are upon the earth; fornication, uncleanness, inordinate affection, evil concupiscence, and covetousness, which is idolatry:
(Psalm 16:4)
4 Their sorrows shall be multiplied that hasten after another god: their drink offerings of blood will I not offer, nor take up their names into my lips.
(Leviticus 19:4)
4 Turn ye not unto idols, nor make to yourselves molten gods: I am the Lord your God.
(1 Corinthians 10:14)
14 Wherefore, my dearly beloved, flee from idolatry.
God didn't command against idolatry because he's got such a big ego and he wants you to constantly worship Him as every atheist thinks God is...
Its because He cares about your spiritual well-being!!!
Friend, I used to be in IDOLATRY...
I used to be a VIDEO GAME ADDICT...
Used to spend countless hours playing Starcraft, Command and Conquer, Counter-strike, and League of Legends.
I would even call in sick at work just so I can play those games...
I played from 6 am till 10 pm... taking a break only to go to the bathroom and eat.
Because I had so much practice, I was a "pro"... I was such a "1337 PWN3R3R"... that I often got accused of using map hacks or aimbots...
And it got soooo bad one day that I blew up on my wife and cussed her out all because she wanted some time and all I was doing was playing videogames...
And overall I just had this miserable, cranky demeanor to me.
This void in my life that I was trying to fill with video games...
If you're a video game addict, ever had those days when... even though you won a majority of the games you played... and got to play an entire day...
You STILL feel miserable and unfulfilled...
As you crash in your bed and go to sleep...
Video games are just an example...
But no matter what the IDOL is in your life... same thing.
I have a friend who used to love partying, sleeping around with women, doing drugs and playing hockey and sports...
And he described the same things...
The feeling of life unfulfilled and in total misery even after he got to do those things and had lots of money to spend on those things...
Now he's a pastor and evangelist... and spends his extra time, money, and affections serving God.
And he's never been happier and more fulfilled in life. Even after he lost friends and his wife all because of serving God.
Its funny how people would hate a true man of God more than a wicked man...
Ever wonder why the Jews wanted Pilate to release Barrabas? (Matthew 27:17-23)
The world hates Jesus and everyone who has a considerable percentage of His Holy Spirit dwelling within them...
Because Jesus said that the world has hated Him first before it hated you... (John 15:18)
Look friend...
I'm not one of these PIMP PREACHERS on TV who wanna build a big ministry and make a ton of money lying to you and telling you all day how God loves you no matter what as I constantly reaffirm your sinful life and preach a prosperity gospel to you...
I'm here to tell you RIGHT NOW that you will lose friends and family all because of JESUS... Your enemies will be of your own household... (Matthew 10:36)
The road is narrow, friend... (Matthew 7:14)
but at the end of the road...
is the Kingdom of God.
and it is the most spiritually rewarding thing...
to be in the presence of God.
Who IS Love. (1 John 4:8)
God loves you more than any human on this earth can ever love you.
Because He went to the cross for you, friend.
So choose...
Will you choose to repent of your sins and follow Jesus?
Or will you continue in your wicked ways and worship your idols and end up in Hell?
The choice is yours.
Thursday, May 7, 2015
These days there are many street preachers...
You know... those guys with big banners that have a long list of sins... Everything from idolatry, fornication, homosexuality, etc...
But do you know the ROOT of all these sins?
Its simple...
SELFISHNESS is the root of all these sins... Murder... theft... adultery and other sexual perversions... all stem from the selfishness of the human heart.
This ego-centric hedonistic culture we currently live under...
promoting self-seeking...
this "me me me me me" and "my" and "myself"... all over the place. Its in every product and commercial out there! The "I"-pad... "I"-phone... remember Windows "ME"?
We got egotistical celebrities being lifted up in the pop culture and being lifted up as idols... as if they are gods...
We got a hyper-sexed up culture where women are getting more and more scantily dressed... I can't walk down the park without seeing these women wearing short shorts and a tank top... just trying to reveal it all to every Joe Schmoe who is walking by... oh this self-idolatry...
We got music that just promotes either sexed-up behavior, or angst, or the gangsta life...
We got movies that just show a lot of pointless killing and violence...
We got children who are very disobedient to their parents and have completely no respect for authority... Children swearing at teachers and police and being very overall disrespectful...
We got this liberal school system that promotes evolution, abortion, homosexuality, and all sorts of sexual perversions while constantly shafting God out of the picture...
We got government and corporations that get greedier and greedier by the day... inventing and raising more and more taxes and laying off employees while they rake in billions of dollars in profit and they keep "down-sizing" and "finding efficiencies"... just so these fat cats can stuff their pockets with money and power that they can't take with them in eternity!!!
We got these roidhead cops who are so sadistic and brutal...
We even got these false churches who don't rebuke their flocks of their sins... and all they do is keep reaffirming the sinners and twisting scriptures to pitch this prosperity gospel and its all about how God loves you no matter what... not enough rebuke on sin... Otherwise we wont be in our current state of affairs if churches did their job!!! CUZ THEY DON'T LOVE GOD!!! THEY LOVE MONEY!!! THEIR GOD IS MONEY!!!
You get the point...
The point is... all of these are the symptoms of a society in total decay and constantly drifting far away from God... A society that clings to its own ego and self-righteousness instead of clinging to God.
And you wonder why this world is so messed up.
And you wonder and complain and ask God WHY GOD WHY!!!
And you say that GOD DOESNT EXIST (or God is wicked... or God doesn't care) !!!
Have you looked at the big picture?
More importantly...
Have you looked at YOURSELF?!?
Have you asked yourself what exactly is the purpose of your life?
What exactly are you living for?
Are you living for SELF or for GOD?
your expensive car... or shoes... your video games... your cigarettes... your drugs... your alcohol... how much money do you spend for all those things that will not really matter in eternity?!?
You can point fingers to the rich people all you want... and how wicked and greedy they are... but what about YOU? Are you any different from them if you seek the things of the world?!? (Romans 12:2)
If you seek your ego?!? If you seek your own vanity?!?
Do you really think the results of sports events matter in eternity? You think God cares about the Superbowl? Or the World Cup? Or the NBA finals? Or whatever it is?!?
Do you really think your character in some made-up make-believe world... leveling up and collecting "items" will matter in eternity?
How many people would be taken off the street or at least fed... if people would stop living for themselves and living for GOD... Since God is love (1 John 4:8)... and if you got love in your heart, you would help your fellow humans...for whatever you do to the least of your brethren you do unto God... (Matthew 25:40)
you would help feed them either physically or spiritually or both...
If you love God, you will feed the sheep (John 21:17)...
So... will you live for GOD or will you live for YOURSELF?
You've been warned!
Ultimately, the choice is yours...
Saturday, April 25, 2015
Top reasons why people don't accept Jesus as Lord and Savior
1) Not enough evidence for the existence of Jesus?
Um... there's many secular non-biblical historians that offered proof that Jesus Christ existed...
Tacitus? Flavius Josephus? Suetonius? Thallus? Pliny the younger? Babylonian Talmud?
Non-Biblical Evidence of Jesus Christ
Part1: https://youtu.be/zrRQqYGf4O0
Part2: https://youtu.be/AqlFkGaDV_M
Part3: https://youtu.be/-qUcXXbde4w
Part4: https://youtu.be/HGb3pOq8ihc
Zeitgeist refuted:
Archaeological Evidence of Jesus Christ
Ok... Jesus has been proven as a real person... but what about his divinity? Couldn't he have been just a super nice charismatic guy? Or an alien? Or Ascended master? Or another prophet?
Well... He rose from the dead. Otherwise we wouldn't have Christianity today!!! Don't you think the Pharisees were still skeptical over the claims of Jesus that he is God? Why do you think guards were posted at the tomb of Jesus? (Matthew 27:62-66)
Alien or ascended master? Well, Jesus says "I AM THE WAY the truth and the Life..." (John 14:6) not "there are many ways to heaven"
And that destroys any idea whatsoever that Jesus is out there somewhere in an intergalactic spaceship chilling with Ashtar... or in a higher spiritual dimensional plane chillin with Mohammad, Buddha, etc...
Ashtar (aka Ishtar) is a Babylonian goddess of fertility, love, war, and sex... Why would Jesus be chilling out with such a goddess?
He's not with Mohammad or Buddha either because Mohammad is a murderer and a pedophile... while Buddha never pointed to God... so how will Jesus hang out with those guys?
Ideas of the Mormons (Jesus is just a creation), Jehovah's Witnesses (they believe he is Archangel Michael), and Muslims that Jesus is not god but just a prophet... point out inconsistencies in their respective belief systems because they trust their own book and own doctrine more than what the Bible says about Jesus... (see John 1:1, John 1:14, John 8:24, Col 2:9) And they only use the Bible to cherry pick scriptures that line up with their own doctrines...
2) Hypocrisy of people at church?
Well... You've seen all the gossiping people at Church... the ones there just to showoff and treat it like any other social gathering... the pimp preachers you see on TV, and many other hypocrites that call themselves Christian.
Well... The Bible says in Matthew 7:21 that NOT ALL WHO SAY "LORD LORD" WILL ENTER THE KINGDOM OF GOD!!!
If you call yourself a Christian, then ACT LIKE ONE. The Bible says in John 14:15 "IF YOU LOVE ME, KEEP MY COMMANDMENTS". You aren't "saved" just because you say a sinner's prayer and just profess Jesus as Lord while in your true heart of hearts you are UNREPENTANT and you decide to GO BACK TO SINNING AGAIN. I was once a Catholic and I kept going to the priest to "confess" my cussing, anger outbursts, porno watching and masturbation week after week after week after week... thinking that it runs just like a magic slate and the sin is just wiped clean just like that... Yeah... the same priests that say masturbation is a mortal sin while punching another guy in the face is a venial sin... These guys don't even have discernment!!!
You aren't saved just because you intellectually accept the existence of Jesus. James 2:19 says "even the devils believe".
These "Christians" who profess Jesus but keep living in their sin... DON'T HAVE THE SPIRIT OF GOD in them.
If you truly have God's grace upon you as what Eph 2:8-9 say... You will do the works because faith without works is DEAD! (James 2:17) You say you believe in Jesus? Then why are you still playing video games, watching porno, watching secular movies, listening to secular music, cussing the guy who cut you off in traffic, planting bitterness towards people who wronged you, drinking alcohol, doing drugs, etc?
If you're a non-believer and you see the total stupidity of the CIRCUS known as "Church" well, you don't have to be a part of these organized church systems to be a Christian...
This is what the Bible says...
(Matthew 18:20)
For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.
(Acts 17:24)
God that made the world and all things therein, seeing that he is Lord of heaven and earth, dwelleth not in temples made with hands;
(Psalm 46:10)
Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth.
3) Portrayal of God in the Bible as a bi-polar God. One moment he's loving and the next he's angry? One moment he's so loving and kind... but the next he's willing to punish you for all eternity in HELLFIRE?!?
The root of this is LACK OF SPIRITUAL UNDERSTANDING! Because most sources of knowledge about God come from the apostate false churches who portray God as a human judge and his laws like a legal code that's like the Criminal Code of a man-made country...
In reality, God's laws are like the laws of physics, chemistry, biology, etc.
Because here is what Leviticus 18:25 says...
25 And the land is defiled: therefore I do visit the iniquity thereof upon it, and the land itself vomiteth out her inhabitants.
Why does the land vomiteth out her inhabitants? Every environmentalist can explain you the details of how pollution destroys our environment and causes pain and suffering to us... but also, every thought, word, and deed you do releases positive or negative spiritual energy that can be beneficial or damaging to yourself, others, and/or the environment.
Go look up Masaru Emoto's rice experiments that prove how emotion is energy and how it affects other living things...
Here is some further reading debunking bible contradictions...
Part 2:
A couple of articles I wrote explaining how Hell is Real but God did not create it:
And go look on youtube various people's testimonies of Hell. All of it is similar. All of it has demons tormenting them as their souls are put in a very dense spiritually low vibrational plane...
4) So and so tragic event happened in my life... Where is God when so and so bad negative event happened in my life?!? Why so much pain, death, and destruction in the world? I thought God was so sovereign?
Well, I'm sorry to hear your tragedy. What could it be? Death of someone you love? Lost your job? Got bullied at school or work? Abusive family? Living in poverty? Got a disease?
And then what are you doing about it? Blaming God for it? As if all the people and situations and circumstances in your life are just robot puppets being controlled by God and they're screwing you over for his "greater glory" and its all been pre-destined...
What about considering man's FREE WILL and SPIRITUAL LAWS in effect?!?
That is FALSE DOCTRINE created by the Calvinists and taught in every church out there one form or another.
This is why Calvinism is so bad:
Well I tell you what... I was bullied and outcasted... came from a dysfunctional family... experienced job losses... at one point was $2000 away from being homeless... and as a result, I tried to commit suicide a few times because I didn't think there's any reason for me to continue to live anymore.
And when I didn't have the Biblical knowledge I have today, I have cursed God and blamed him for my bad circumstances.
But you know what... in spite of my bad circumstances... at a point where I nearly committed suicide... God still spoke to me and reached His hand out to me and told me He loves me.
Because I cried out to him with a broken heart... I sincerely from the bottom of my heart... dropped all my pride and cried out to Him. And He will answer you because God loves a broken and contrite spirit (Psalm 51:17), a humble heart (James 4:6) (Proverbs 3:34)
5) Why do Christians condemn "victimless crimes" like homosexuality, idolatry, smoking, etc?
What's wrong with two consenting adult males or females engaging in homosexuality? They're not hurting anyone, why you condemn them?!? Same thing with idolatry (comes in many forms... playing video games, watching sports, watching secular movies, etc.) and smoking... They're not really hurting anyone, why are those sins and worthy of hellfire? Wow... sounds like a cruel mean God...
Yeah... this is something I woulda said back when I was an atheist. Because I lacked spiritual understanding.
Those are sins because they DESTROY YOUR SOUL. Not because God destroys you, but because YOU DESTROY YOURSELF just as you would be hurt or killed if you jump off a building. YOU DESTROY YOURSELF just as eating junk food destroys your physical body with high blood pressure, diabetes, and other diseases.
Every action generates a commensurate type of spiritual energy... be it positive or negative. We all reap what we sow, the Bible says in Gal 6:7. Even other religions like the New Age, Wicca, Hinduism, Buddhism, etc... recognize that spiritual concept.
With every sin you commit, you keep generating negative energy and demons get attracted to the negative energy you generate and then the demons attach themselves to your chakras...
The Bible calls the chakras "wheels" in Ezekiel 1...
The appearance of the wheels and their work was like unto the colour of a beryl: and they four had one likeness: and their appearance and their work was as it were a wheel in the middle of a wheel. (Eze 1:16)
Whithersoever the spirit was to go, they went, thither was their spirit to go; and the wheels were lifted up over against them: for the spirit of the living creature was in the wheels. (Eze 1:20)
Once demons have completely bound themselves to your chakras, you get POSSESSED. And when your physical body dies when you are in that state... THE DEMONS would drag your soul into HELL. HELL IS A DEMON REALM!!! NOT SOMETHING CREATED BY A GOD WHO LOVES YOU SO MUCH THAT HE DIED ON THE CROSS FOR YOU!!! HE TOOK YOUR KARMA SO IT WOULD BE POSSIBLE FOR YOU TO ENTER HEAVEN!!!
Homsexuality, Idolatry, and Smoking for some reason... do just that. They open the way for devils to bind into the chakras of the one practicing the sin...
I've seen the overall attitude of people when I preached at Gay Pride Parade and various Concerts and sporting events where it becomes an excuse to do drugs... They literally behave like WILD ANIMALS and civilization gets thrown out the window...
I was once a Limousine driver and downtown on a Friday and Saturday night... where everyone is getting drunk and/or high... and going wild... is a preview of what HELL is like.
And if you honestly still think that HELL is one big party... I doubt you're still there. You are under SERIOUS DEMONIC INFLUENCE AND YOU NEED TO REPENT!!! CRY OUT TO JESUS TO HEAL YOU!!! ASAP!!!
As a Christian... I am supposed to WARN YOU with LOVE. (Eze 3:18) (Lev 19:17)
Any so-called "Christian" who HATES Homosexuals and other sinners is GUILTY OF MURDER... (1 John 3:15)
Cuz if I really had hate for you, I wouldn't be wasting my time with this blog at all... And I wouldn't be spending my own money to advertise this blog when I get no monetary or ego gratification returned to me.
None of these big churches would EVER endorse someone preaching the true doctrine of the Bible because they are lukewarm and they cling to their IDOLATRY!!! The moment you start preaching self-denial and giving your whole heart to Jesus and actually REBUKING SINS of people in your congregation or just in general... (I.e. STOP WATCHING THE SUPERBOWL!!! STOP PLAYING VIDEO GAMES!!! STOP BEING HOMOSEXUAL!!! ETC...) I bet the church board is gonna run you outta there because they don't really love God. They love MONEY and Jesus said you can't serve two masters... you can't serve both God and money!!! (Matthew 6:24)
6) Many wars, death, and destruction... and pain and suffering were done in the name of spreading Christianity! you know, the Crusades? Inquisition? etc?
Again... read Matthew 7:21-23...
21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.
22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
And that is what God will say to the Catholic Church (the whore of Babylon in Revelation 17) and its harlot daughters, the Protestant Churches...
Further reading exposing the Catholic Church...
Um... what about the wars caused by atheists? Communism for instance, killed hundreds of millions of people...
What about Islam's bodycount?
The point is, every religion has racked up a body count...
Religion DOES NOT save you. Jesus does. Jesus did nothing but rebuke the Pharisees and make them look like fools... He said that they worship God with their lips but their hearts are far away from God... (Matthew 15:8)
Religion is MAN-MADE self-righteousness... and is FILTHY RAGS before a HOLY GOD!!! (Isaiah 64:6)
One thing I can agree with the atheist on is "I DON'T BELIEVE IN RELIGION".
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