Thursday, May 7, 2015


These days there are many street preachers... 

You know... those guys with big banners that have a long list of sins... Everything from idolatry, fornication, homosexuality, etc... 

But do you know the ROOT of all these sins?

Its simple...


SELFISHNESS is the root of all these sins... Murder... theft... adultery and other sexual perversions... all stem from the selfishness of the human heart.  

This ego-centric hedonistic culture we currently live under... 

promoting self-seeking...

this "me me me me me" and "my" and "myself"... all over the place.  Its in every product and commercial out there! The "I"-pad... "I"-phone... remember Windows "ME"? 

We got egotistical celebrities being lifted up in the pop culture and being lifted up as idols... as if they are gods...

We got a hyper-sexed up culture where women are getting more and more scantily dressed... I can't walk down the park without seeing these women wearing short shorts and a tank top... just trying to reveal it all to every Joe Schmoe who is walking by... oh this self-idolatry... 

We got music that just promotes either sexed-up behavior, or angst, or the gangsta life...

We got movies that just show a lot of pointless killing and violence...

We got children who are very disobedient to their parents and have completely no respect for authority... Children swearing at teachers and police and being very overall disrespectful...

We got this liberal school system that promotes evolution, abortion, homosexuality, and all sorts of sexual perversions while constantly shafting God out of the picture... 

We got government and corporations that get greedier and greedier by the day... inventing and raising more and more taxes and laying off employees while they rake in billions of dollars in profit and they keep "down-sizing" and "finding efficiencies"... just so these fat cats can stuff their pockets with money and power that they can't take with them in eternity!!!

We got these roidhead cops who are so sadistic and brutal...

We even got these false churches who don't rebuke their flocks of their sins... and all they do is keep reaffirming the sinners and twisting scriptures to pitch this prosperity gospel and its all about how God loves you no matter what... not enough rebuke on sin... Otherwise we wont be in our current state of affairs if churches did their job!!! CUZ THEY DON'T LOVE GOD!!! THEY LOVE MONEY!!! THEIR GOD IS MONEY!!!


You get the point...

The point is... all of these are the symptoms of a society in total decay and constantly drifting far away from God... A society that clings to its own ego and self-righteousness instead of clinging to God. 

And you wonder why this world is so messed up. 

And you wonder and complain and ask God WHY GOD WHY!!!

And you say that GOD DOESNT EXIST (or God is wicked... or God doesn't care) !!!

Have you looked at the big picture?  

More importantly...

Have you looked at YOURSELF?!?  

Have you asked yourself what exactly is the purpose of your life?

What exactly are you living for?  

Are you living for SELF or for GOD?  

your expensive car... or shoes...  your video games... your cigarettes... your drugs... your alcohol... how much money do you spend for all those things that will not really matter in eternity?!?

You can point fingers to the rich people all you want... and how wicked and greedy they are... but what about YOU?  Are you any different from them if you seek the things of the world?!?  (Romans 12:2)

If you seek your ego?!?  If you seek your own vanity?!?  

Do you really think the results of sports events matter in eternity? You think God cares about the Superbowl?  Or the World Cup?  Or the NBA finals?  Or whatever it is?!?

Do you really think your character in some made-up make-believe world... leveling up and collecting "items" will matter in eternity?

How many people would be taken off the street or at least fed... if people would stop living for themselves and living for GOD... Since God is love (1 John 4:8)... and if you got love in your heart, you would help your fellow humans...for whatever you do to the least of your brethren you do unto God... (Matthew 25:40)

you would help feed them either physically or spiritually or both...

If you love God, you will feed the sheep (John 21:17)...

So... will you live for GOD or will you live for YOURSELF?  

You've been warned!

Ultimately, the choice is yours...  


  1. You need to get out more and stop ranting on a subject most people don't care about. You come off as an extreme bigot

    1. Um... I go out often to street preach. and you care enough to reply to this. So much for not caring, friend...

      God bless.

  2. Replies
    1. I'm not serious. It is what lives in me that is serious about your salvation, friend... Repent or perish!
