Sunday, November 2, 2014

Oct 15. 2014... STOP BULLYING CHRISTIANS NOW Rally in Toronto

Attended a rally against Christian bullying. It was spearheaded by David Lynn, a toronto pastor who was unjustly ticketed by police and had his equipment seized a few weeks ago.

There were about 50 people in attendance... mostly from 3 churches in Toronto.

Poor attendance if you ask me. Because the homosexual rallies and the jihad boy jew hating rallies got more people in attendance.

Shows the path the city of Toronto is headed. Toronto has chosen its sin and chosen to worship liberal political correctness instead of God.

There was a heckler dressed up as a clown, and a crazy native indian dude who has a split personality. Some days he says he loves Jesus... and other days he heckles street preachers. Today he was heckling and yelling a few obscenities.

On the bright side, there was a lady in the bus stop who was moved to tears as we passed by. And another lady from a communist country who told us that while persecution of Christians isn't as bad yet as from where she came from (didn't mention her country)... we are headed there as a nation.

Canada has forsaken God and she will be judged like sodom and gomorrah. And all the nations who have forsaken God and his righteousness!

Repent now! Or perish in the lake of fire!

And to those who have chosen God... spread the gospel some more! We have to let people know there is hope in Jesus Christ!

There is no hope in the empty, shallow, numb, overly sexualized culture that is put before us!
This culture is so wicked... that when I was stuck in it and didn't know Jesus Christ, I almost killed myself. I absolutely am disgusted with all the wickedness and abominations the secular mainstream culture has to offer!

Jesus saved me! Praise God Alleluia!!!

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